A Sandstorm Snapshot

A Sandstorm Snapshot

With over 150,000 unique Lectric riders on the road, one of our team's favorite things to do is connect with our adventurers about how their eBikes have changed their lives. Before the XP™ Lite release last month, we lent one of the first Sandstorm eBikes to Phoenix local, Brooke, and asked her about her experience afterwards. 

Brooke is a full-time student and works as a photographer on the side. She is almost always on-the-go and bouncing between her professional, student, and personal life here in The Valley. Our team knew how much the XP™ Lite could change her transportation habits, and the Sandstorm color palette fit her lifestyle perfectly! 

While making her way to class last Fall, Brooke would have to walk or drive across campus to get to class in time. Once she started using the XP™ Lite to commute to the classroom this Spring, her trip to campus became quicker and more convenient. With her eBike, she's able to beat the traffic on and around campus, and save on gas while doing so! With the extra time she saves, she's able to grab a coffee and call a friend before hitting the books.

Outside of school, Brooke is able to use her eBike for her job as a photographer. She shoots everything from weddings, to graduation photos, to wildlife here in the desert. Her XP™ Lite especially comes in hand with her wildlife shoots in the desert. At locations here she would typically have to walk or hike to reach certain viewpoints, she can now effortlessly reach them by eBike! And, not to mention, have a little bit more fun while doing so. 

Check out the video below to get a glimpse into Brooke's day-to-day life with her new XP™ Lite in Sandstorm! 

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